W5RRR 80′ tower is undergoing a major makeover on August 25th. Rusted sections of Rohn 45G tower sections will be replaced with newer pieces. The guying system will undergo an update with new hardware and rescued brackets. A newly rebuilt Ham IV rotor and a HyGain TH7DX tri-bander (10/15/20m) will be installed, replacing our tired and broken 20m and 15m monobanders.
The club is looking for any and all volunteers will to help out on either this weekend on August 19 for prep work (TH7DX and tower pre-assembly ) and on August 25 for the whole tower/antenna disassembly and reassembly.
We’ve planning to get all of this done in one day, August 25th, beginning early morning through 3:30PM. Contact Keith Grimm KG5HOK kgrimm_77546@yahoo.com