19 hams from JSCARC and CLARC supported the JSC Aliens versus Astronauts fun run. Ham teams demonstrated flexibility and resourcefulness to adopt to last minute and unexpected course map and coordination changes. Kudos to David, KB5PGY, who ran a tightly controlled Net Control. David also gave several members a chance to run NCS as part of cross training. Also, a shout out to Mike, KA5CVH who was the only one who was able to help out to manually reprogram a Baofeng on-the spot. Lastly, special thanks to Curt WB5UZZ who thoughfully supplied extra T-shirts for the volunteers, since we ran short due the unexpected number of volunteers. The run was a big success and many hams continued to gain operating familiarity. Luckily, a big rain downpour and lightening hit the area only minutes after the race finished. We received compliments from the Gilruth race organizer who sent us a note, “Your team always does a tremendous job and takes it seriously. We love that kind of work ethic. We will be in touch for our next event.”