Congrats Jeff, 1st POTA activation

Saturday Aug 31, 2024 @ Sheldon Lake, Texas US-3056

Following right behind the heels of Jayant KG5LJZ’s recent 1st CW POTA activation, Jeff AB4ME did it today with over 30 SSB QSOs on 20m.  
Setup: TS-480SAT transceiver + new PAC 12 vertical antenna + LiFeO4 battery (repurposed from his motorhome).
Overall the band conditions were very good (10dB over S9 reported from Fla).  Super low noise floor and signals came in very strong.  Jeff had a pileup multiple times.
Weather was a little drizzly at the beginning but cleared up for a nice morning for POTA
Congrats to Jeff jumping into the POTA pool.

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