South East Texas Amateur radio Club (SETAC)
Thanks to David KG5URA, a SETAC flyer was sent to us, advertising a Saturday (Nov 11) Fox Hunt (and POTA) at the San Jacinto Monument.
After just completing an NJ1Z modified Doppler Handi-Finder, I decided to test drive it at this advertised event.
What a great group of folks! I had the pleasure of meeting Randy AB5V who was a good friend of Carl WD5JRD (he bought Carl’s HF vertical from him recently). Turns out, Randy is an avid T-Hunter and was interested in participating and promoting some futher hunts with us. It was obvious he was an experienced fox hunter since he wore a Fox Hunt step-attenuator inside his coat lining. He told me that he’s place in several national T-Hunt events!
Also got a good chance to chat with the current SETAC president, KE5GIP, Anthony. Anthony has done a remarkable job resurging a latent SETAC club into many activities and events in the public. I expect some near term future collaboration among his club and ours. He invited us to their rotating social breakfast early Dec at the Denny’s near UHCL/Clear Lake High School.
Upon arrival, I met with Randy AB5V and Andrew WB5TAD, both waiting for the T-hunt to start.
Andrew has a PVC framed 3 element tape-measure Yagi with a built in KC9ON attenuator. Randy brought his weather worn 3 element all-metal yagi which obviously had been in use on many past T-hunts. On the table, there was also another nice tape measure yagi with a bent handle designed for less fatigue on the wrist when held over time.
The T-hunt hadn’t started so I meanadered down the line.
One of the booths was hosted by the Texas GMRS Network. I spent a fair amount of time chatting at this booth, learning about the organized GMRS activities that went beyond the non-licensed HTs. As I was informed, there’s an growing group of licensed GMRS advocates who are promoting in-state and national GMRS communications, outside of the ham community. Their efforts includes interstate repeater networking and attracts social groups, preppers, CB’er, and families.
The SETAC booth had 3 radios setup, all IC-706MK2/7300 belonging to Anthony KE5GIP. The vertical antennas were setup immediately behind the booths, and I was able to listen to 10m SSB booming in around 11:00.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t extend my stay to participate in the T-hunt, but had a great time meeting one of our neighbor clubs and their friendly members. I suspect we’ll join some upcoming T-hunts and POTA activities. I extended Anthony a visit to the shack- perhaps during our NOTA Apollo 8 ops.
73 Dave W5OC