Summer 2024 Interns at the Shack

On July 25, 2024, Jeff AB4ME, Kelvin K5KGH, and Jerry N5FWB hosted 4 of this semester’s Ham Radio Committee Student Interns with an activity of Soldering 101 and a combo tour of the shack and getting on-the-air.  With a little bit of last minute juggling, there was enough interest to provide a fun opportunity to conduct a DIY soldering build up of a blinking LED kit.  These have been used before in previous Soldering 101 activities, but it’s such a great introduction for those with little or no soldering experience as well as a good starter to handling standard electronic components: resistors, caps, switches, LEDs, transistors, etc.  Our four intrepid students were Sean Frett, Paulina Umansky, Anthony Zambrano and Christine Goh.  

The build was again performed in the adjacent shack and hosted by Jeff and Kelvin.

For the shack tour and on-the-air ops, Jerry anchored the shack ops.  Jerry reported that 3 hams (Wisconsin. Michigan, and Colorado) were contacted on the radios and graciously chatted with the group.  The fellow from Colorado Springs, let his 5 year old chat on the mike, which added to the fun,


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