A classic gorgeous day out by the Brazoria National Wildlife Reserve (US-0545). In attendance were Joe K5KUA, Jeff AB4ME, David KG5URA, George AD5CQ, and Dave W5OC.
We setup relatively close together at the Discover Center/Information area. Joe smartly setup at a table about 100′ down the road; Jeff took to the elevated wooden platform above the salt marsh, and both David and George installed their operating stations on side by side covered picnic tables across the road from the center. The costal breeze was refreshing and there was no signs of mosquitos nor any other creepy bugs- a perfect day.
the band conditions were good and bad at times. For example, David was working a guy in Arkansas with a pretty strong signal ~58, and then in a few seconds, his signal disappeared to zero! Yikes. At one stretch, Joe reported that all he could get on 10m were DX Europe.
As always, POTA is the opportunity to bring out new equipment to test: Jeff activated his new Xiegu G90 and linked End Fed Halfwave antenna + mast. Jeff had his 22′ telescoping mast secured onto the boardwalk fence with a pair of twisty plastic rope segments. He was sitting right above a salt marsh which served as a ground plane and likely didn’t hurt his radiation performance. During Jeff’s activation, he had Poland answer his CQ! Not bad for 20W.
On 20m SSB (and 15m later) David was breaking in his new Diamond BB7V Multiband telescoping aluminum vertical, mounted on the trailer hitch of his SUV. Replacing his Eagle One vertical, this Diamond vertical is super well constructed as well as super light. 6 telescoping sections that extend to 22 feet and the sections are self locking. He fed the vertical with his cool IC-705/Hardrock amp GoBox that he shared with the club at last month’s meeting.
George focused on CW. He activated his neat Youkits KE-1A QRP radio- it fits in the palm of your hand and is barely taller than an AA battery. His ~4W was driving a amp he picked up at the Texas City hamfest, which resulted in a power boost up to around 40W. He drove a homebrew vertical antenna consisting of segments of small diameter screw-in poles, a coil topped with a rigid metal whip (?). And that gorgeous Putikeeg key served out his CW fist. If you haven’t seen one, this is one of best looking mini keys out there.
Lastly, what needs to be said about Joe? Joe recently finished up his 1000 QSO POTA activation at the Martin Die’s Jr. Park US-3037, so I was surprised he showed up (I assumed he was sleep off his exhausting outing!). I did marvel, again, at the simplicity of his antenna– a garden variety 3/8″ mini tripod stand + a fire stick mounted vertically + radials. Wow, fed by his FT-991A, the modest firesticks worked *GREAT*. That’s as quick and simple a setup as they come.
Interesting Note: Joe spoke with one of the Park Rangers and was told that this park was at risk of shuttering down in May, due to the recent impacts of govt cuts and lack of popularity in comparison with the larger parks. Bummer.