Celebrity sightings: George AD5CQ, Paul KJ5JIO, Jerry N5FWB, David KB5PGY, Joe K5KUA, Keith KG5HOK (and Sophie!), John AB5SS, Ken K5RG
Friday afternoon was a slog- tight fisted spenders, few great deals, but fun atmosphere. The best deal was a pristine old Colling 75A4 with stocked filters for…. $200. It sold immediately. I also saw a used 40′ telescoping fiberglas mast for $35. Almost bought it but I’ve finally learned some degree of restraint- except that only worked for a few minutes until I found this cool handheld direction finder made by National RF (Vector Finder). I’ll bring it out for our next club fox hunt and see if this dog can hunt!
I sold a bunch of good stuff off of my table in order to bundle the $ to buy a nice used Elecraft K3. Paul KJ5JIO assisted by buying my IC-7300. A great radio, but I needed a radio with transverter interfaces for my VHF rover radio addiction.
Lots of friends and familiar faces that one sees regularly on the hamfest circuit. I bumped into Andrea Slack K2EZ- VHF/UHF Rover extrodinaire and got a selfie with her after I peppered her with questions about tips and techniques that she deploys during her famous rover vehicle adventures.
Saturday’s attendance was robust and much more fun. The outside tailgate was still pretty poor compared to other hamfests I’ve attended. I spotted a bunch of heathkit SB-220 amps, and not the usual trailers full of old antennas and good parts. The weather was a bit sketchy in the morning, so maybe that impacted the outside turnout. John AB5SS joined me at the table and did a good job selling a few of his treasures as well.
73 Dave W5OC