George @ George (…Ranch)
George AD5CQ submits the folloinwg successful ham radio event report for his volunteer efforts on November 15-16 at the George Ranch:
George AD5CQ submits the folloinwg successful ham radio event report for his volunteer efforts on November 15-16 at the George Ranch:
It’s been another active few weeks for W5RRR and the JSCARC members: Friday 11/15-16George @ George (Ranch) – Frontier Days AD5CQ hosts a booth to demonstrate History of CW at the George Ranch Texican Market Days.(Photo from last year’s event) Sunday 11/17ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Tanner W9TWJ and Bekah KD5TDP participated in the ARRL SS … Read more…
With the terrific support from Kelvin K5KGH and David KG5URA, we rolled out a new kit (Digital FM Radio) for the JSC Fall Student Interns to tackle on Monday evening, Nov 11 at the Scuba Shack next to the W5RRR radio room. 3 weeks earlier, we had the interns build a simple LED blinker kit, … Read more…
For many of us who didn’t know- since September 5, 2022, Mr. David Fanelli, KB5PGY, was appointed the position of 3873 Texas ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) Net Manager. David replaced Mr. Mark Mireles AD5CA who has served this position since October 2016. Both gentlemen also serve as a net control in the monthly rotation. … Read more…
If you enjoy the outdoors and enjoy this crazy radio hobby, Summits On The Air (SOTA) is for you. It’s like POTA on steriods and it brings out the further enjoyment of getting great exercise and tests your skills with lower power operations. After all, who want to lug up heavy equipment and batteries up … Read more…
Success! The JSCARC successfully completed our second 3PP this year. This was our first route towards the south- activating Galveston Island State Park, the Justin Hurst Wildlife Management Area, and the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge. It’s hard to plan an all-day club event due to everyone’s busy schedules and the fickleness of which Texas weather … Read more…
ARDF, or Amateur Radio Direction Finding, was successfully carried out last week! As part of our JSCARC Student Intern support, the JSCARC invited Sarah KC1VCT, Gavin KF8CHK, and Shirina KO6DOS to patriciate in a T-Hunt on Friday. Nov 1, 2024. We hid 3 fox transmitters on the Gilruth premises and had our intrepid hunters try … Read more…
David KB5PGY ran as point guard for this year’s JSCARC booth at the JSC Safety and Health Day held on October 31, 2024. Our booth was stationed inside Teague Auditorium, protected from the outdoor elements (bugs and heat) while basking in the wonderful indoor Air Conditioning. This annual event is a serious JSC event, which … Read more…
It’s not too often the JSCARC gets visitors from overseas. Last month, Ben OS4K, contacted us through our website to inquire if a visit to the shack was possible.5000 miles later, Ben and his associate, Dr. Fabian Steinmann met us at the shack for a wonderful meet and greet. John AB5SS and I … Read more…