Greater Houston Hamfest Report

Ken K5RG acquired a table for the club at this year’s Greater Houston Hamfest.  He, Carl WD5JRD, and W5OC anchored the JSCARC table from Friday afternoon through Saturday.  The early opening of the hamfest on Friday afternoon was a new twist this year, with fair attendance but limited sales activity (retirees on limited incomes…).  The … Read more…

POTA #18 at San Jacinto Park

Mission Success:  JSCARC’s 1st activation for 2024 @ San Jacinto Battle Ground Park. With Houston’s crazy weather cycles, we were graced with awesome weather for Saturday Feb 16.  Participants were: David KG5URA, John AB5SS, Jayant KG5LJZ, Dale KG5U, and myself Dave W5OC. I arrived a bit later, since I was supporting an 0900 adhoc on-line … Read more…

Dave’s 4th VHF Rover outing

I’m getting progressively better at this new adventure of ham radio- VHF/UHF Contest Rovering My QSO count is still extremely low, but I’m gaining tons of experience with still a long way to go.  This is *hard* with makes it fun. For the January VHF contest (Jan 20-21, 2024), I couldn’t travel far out enough … Read more…

Winter Field Day 2024

  Soapbox comments from our JSCARC members who participated in this year’s Winter Field Day.  Overall, this was fun, and another example of a ham radio event used to promote the importance of emergency preparedness.  Good job all.   KB5PGY I operated from W5RRR this afternoon as 3I STX using JS8.   AB5SS I operated … Read more…

Pix from JSCARC Monthly Meeting Jan 11, 2024

Ken K5RG just returned from a trip to Egypt with Camille.  We all wished he had taken a radio for SU1CAMEL/K5RG mobile ops. John AB5SS showed us a portable POTA battery box he built on consignment for KG5LJZ.  He also brought 4 72AH flatpacks for a super battery pack build in-work.  KB5PGY examines one of … Read more…

IC-9700 New Addition to the Shack!

Post by AB5SS Jan 21, 2024 Editor’s Note:  In November, the club voted to replace our aging TS-2000 VHF/UHF radio with a new IC-9700.  Our treasurer Ken K5RG quickly procured the radio and delivered it to the shack in November while it awaited AB5SS’ installation efforts   …I had some time this afternoon so I … Read more…

POTA #17 at San Jacinto Park

Author: Jayant KG5LJZ Saturday December 16, 2023 It was a cold dreary day when I got the call from John AB5SS that POTA was on. It had rained the previous night and the ground was wet. I quickly got up and headed to Park K-3511 San Jacinto Monument State Park. John had set up an … Read more…

POTA 16 @ Sheldon Lake

Sheldon Lake State Park is only 33 minutes from JSC. It’s a beautiful park with plenty of mini-camp sites to spread out multiple ops on the same band. The park entrance is FREE For our last JSCARC POTA outing for 2023, Sheldon Lake was a perfect outing with weather that would have made all the … Read more…

Doppler T-Hunt at the Gilruth

Four of the JSC Student Interns from this semester attended a Fox Hunt (or T-Hunt) this past Sunday, November 19, held by Jeff AB4ME.  Jeff hid 2  Bynoics  MicroFox 15mW transmitters (146.565 and 146.430 Mhz) for the students to find using direction finding navigation.  The venue was the open Gilruth field area by the shack.  … Read more…