
Patrick Stoddard (WD9EWK) Visits W5RRR

If you’ve ever been to an Arizona/Phoenix area hamfest you’ve likely seen Patrick Stoddard (WD9EWK) running the AMSAT booth and performing demonstrations as satellites pass over. If you’ve ever chased grids on or casually worked satellites there’s a high probability you’ve had a QSO with Patrick. Patrick routinely activates grids wherever his travels take him … Read more…

KG5ZOK’s TS-2000 Repair

John, KG5ZOR, bought a TS-2000 for a great price.  Unfortunately, it had some issues so he brought it into the Shack last week for a checkup. We hooked it up on the 20m TH7DX and called CQ around 6:00pm.  We received a response from a mobile station and he gave us a 5×3 signal report.  … Read more…

Ham Radio: The Next Generation

On Sunday, February 24th, Jerry Steward (N5FWB) invited Intermediate School student Gunnar Wye-Rodney (KG5YUW) and his father Bill over to the W5RRR shack. Jerry heard Gunnar, who already has a Technician license and is presently working on his General, and another student, Paul Bailey (KG5YUT), talking about electronics on the 146.86 repeater. Jerry was not … Read more…

TS-520s Fix Update

Received a used replacement USB carrier crystal from Mr. Walter Dilley, KD7DNY.  Many thanks to Walter, who continues to supply old hybrid parts (like this TS520) to the ham community.

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Troubleshooting TS-520s USB

Terry, KA5TBB, has a venerable TS-520 but recently suffered from an ailment on Upper Sideband Mode. In fact, when placed in USB mode, his external digital display indicates a transmit frequency out of band. Both CW and LSB worked fine, however.

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Satellite Antenna Maintenance

On Friday, January 4th, scheduled maintenance was performed on our satellite antennas. The last maintenance was performed around 10 years ago so there were several goals during this work:  inspect the 2m and 70cm antennas, inspect and seal the crossboom, install a new 23cm antenna and run a new feed of heliax, replace jumpers with flex … Read more…

Mini-DXpedition to Dry Tortugas

Working a rare callsign, special event station, country, or grid square is always an exciting time when you’re able to officially make the QSO and put it in your log. But being the station handing out that rare contact is a whole another level of excitement – and for me another level of being nervous too. … Read more…

2018 Holiday Dinner RSVP

The 2018 JSCARC Holiday Dinner will be on Tuesday, December 11th, 2018, at Franca’s Real Italian Restaurant. Franca’s Famous Trio Plate (prix-fixe) Chicken Parmigiana, Lasagna and Penne Alfredo – Salad, Garlic Bread, Iced Tea/Water (cash bar is always open) – $24.00 includes tax and gratuity (pay at event, individual bills) – Optional deserts such as … Read more…