
Saga of the SB200 amp (KG5HOK)

Keith , KG5HOK has been diligently working on an non-working SB200, which he plans to donate to the club via an SK estate from his friend’s father.  The SB200 is a well known workhorse using a pair of 872’s to output close to 700 W out.  Keith has rolled up his sleeves and replaced the aged High Voltage power supply with a new bank of modern electrolytica. 

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N9RCS Ham Radio Technician Class

Bob N9RCS has been anchoring a weekly ham radio license class.  Held on Wednesday at lunchtime, this endeavor has been hugely successful as his attendee list has been averaging approximately 8 students, but upwards of 15 students have registered and we’re hopeful most will take the upcoming exam to get their licenses and to join the club.

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Rosenberg Hamfest (March 17)

Many thanks to Ken K5RG for spearheading the 2 hamfest tables for W5RRR.  Ken arrived with two young helpers who were neighborhood hams, Oren KG5AXI and Easton KG5VMM.  Ken and his crew used one of the tables to sell equipment that he was kindly helping a friend’s SK.  The proceeds were partically donated to the club, which was such a kind gesture.

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Soldering 101 Class (March 15th)

 Soldering Class

On Thurs March 15, we held our first JSCARC hosted Soldering 101 class. Actually, it was a practice kit building project which included soldering discrete components onto a PCB. Thanks to the wonders of Ebay great deals, 225 small kits of Blinking LED lights was won for use in this type of class.

We primarily offerred this class to the new wave of students currently taking Bob’s N9RCS weekly Tech License Class.  With sheepish advertising, we had a relatively good turnout of 6 students. Most incredibly, we had a great turnout of very generous mentors (Elmers) from the club which were Jeff, AB4ME, Stu W4STU, and Terry, KG5TJT.  This was kind of an experiment on several levels- one was to see if we could use soldering irons without a) setting off the fire alarms; or b) leaving scorch marks on the table.  Turns out that the room did not have the fancy smoke detectors, and nothing was triggerred (whew… since I forgot to bring a fan).  Also, the tables in the room were metallic so there were zero opportunities to leave burn marks in the wood.  Proudly, though, we cut out 2’x2′ swatches  of carpet reminents from our shack reflooring rennovation.  How’s that’s for great conservation/reuse story!

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CW Decoder Kit – Order Now!

This will be a group build. Designed by John Maca (AB5SS), Stu Donnan (W4STU), and Mike Vandewalle (N8MTV).

Cost of the kit is $45. Please ensure you pay using Friends/Family option – the link below will default to that payment method.


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Be a SLACKER, join W5RRR.slack.com.  Slack is a super seamless cloud-based collaboration service. It’s like an instant messaging environment to pass conversations among JSCARC club members in realtime. Questions, comments, announcements, thoughts and ideas can be immediately distributed out to the group or selectively to individuals. It’s most convenient to be installed on your cellphone so you can be tied to the club members and our activities, wherever you may be. Slack is used extensively across large and small commercial businesses to bolster communication and collaboration among employees. It’s used in teams across Ebay, Sony, Yelp and NBC, and its growth is staggering. Prognosticators believe it will replace email.  

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