
4/15 ARRL Rookie Roundup

The W5RRR station participated in the ARRL Rookie Roundup this last Sunday at 1:00pm.  Joe,KG5VMC, Terry, KG5TJT, and Fred,KG5WNN each had operating time on the mic on our 20m and 40m presence, while AB4ME and W5OC provided operator control and support. 

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Status of ARISS Ground Station @ W5RRR

The W5RRR satellite tracking and ARISS capability had been largely unused and requiring updates for quite awhile.  Enter: Keith, KG5HOK, John, AB5SS, Mike, N8MTV, Jeff, AB4ME, and Terry,KG5TJT.  Keith got things rolling by acquiring SW and HW to interface our AZ-EL controller to a computer, but it still had problems. 

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The new (informal) DMR net

It started with Terry KG5TJT’s passion and curiosity with his new TYT980 DMR radio.  He bought one and quickly started to learn on his own. He got a few of the rest of us newbies interseted, and before you know it quite a few members have bought a DMR radio as well. 

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Saga of the SB200 amp (KG5HOK)

Keith , KG5HOK has been diligently working on an non-working SB200, which he plans to donate to the club via an SK estate from his friend’s father.  The SB200 is a well known workhorse using a pair of 872’s to output close to 700 W out.  Keith has rolled up his sleeves and replaced the aged High Voltage power supply with a new bank of modern electrolytica. 

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N9RCS Ham Radio Technician Class

Bob N9RCS has been anchoring a weekly ham radio license class.  Held on Wednesday at lunchtime, this endeavor has been hugely successful as his attendee list has been averaging approximately 8 students, but upwards of 15 students have registered and we’re hopeful most will take the upcoming exam to get their licenses and to join the club.

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