We wish to express a warm happy birthday to….
SSTV for ARISS 20th anniversary
N5FWB, successfully downloaded ARISS Slow Scan TV pictures a couple of weekends ago using his TS-2000, Signalink interface and a 2 meter ssb horizontal loop. Is is just one of several he successfully received. Nice job, Jerry.
In commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of ARISS, Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images were transmitted using a computer on the ISS Russian Segment, which stores images that are then transmitted to Earth using the ham radio, specifically the onboard Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver. The event was only a few days long concluding at 18:00 UT on Monday, July 24.
The 20 year history of ARISS was celebrated with the pictures of 12 unique images showing the amazing accomplishments of ARISS over the last two decades. SSTV signals were be sent to earth at 145.800 MHz using FM.
Deep Space Ham Radio, anyone?
John, AB5SS, is an avid weak signal ham. He enjoys the challenges of microwave including Deep Space Network (DSN) reception and propagation. The photo represents Canberra, Australia’s 3x 70m Deep Space dishes tracking the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn. With the advent of all the neat digital signal processing SW out and some smart antenna configurations, John wants to do some DSN ham work at the JSC club. Any takers? Paul Marsh, M0EYT, is moderator of the yahoo group amateur-DSN. He successfully received telemetry from the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn… using only minor modification using an off the shelf 1.8m dish manually steered.
Solar Eclipse QSO Party
Information from Jayant, KG5LJZ.
Upcoming solar eclipse is coming soon August 21 and hams will be conducting testing during this event. The objective of the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP) is to flood the airwaves with contacts, all measured by the automated receiver networks of the Reverse Beacon Network, PSKReporter, and WSPRNet. When those observations are combined with the logs from individual stations, the result will be one of the largest ionospheric experiments ever performed. Here’s how hams can have a starring role…
Our venerable 80′ tower is aging, but….
Today, JSCARC President, “git ‘er done” Keith, KG5HOK, picked up 60’+ of great condition Rohm 45G tower sections. Last week, he met a ham who had tower pieces for sale at his Bryan QTH…. so Keith traveled to Bryan today to check it out.
Texas City Tidelands Hamfest 2017
Hamfest pro and salesman par excellence, Ken Goodwin, K5RG, and our fearless JSCARC president,Keith Grimm, KG5HOK, led the effort to support the JSCARC at the July 8th Tidelands Hamfest held at the Doyle Convention Center, in Texas City. With 2 tables for the club and a 3rd table that K5RG funded, lots of donated equipment (thank you Renee Lance) was swapped for cash and helped bolster the JSCARC treasury.
2nd Hello from Paige
Remember Paige who made her first GOTA contact with W5RRR during Field Day ? (https://www.w5rrr.org/2017/07/03/wx4bk-welcome-to-ham-radio/)
Tanner Jones, W9TWJ, was generous enough to take the time to send her a W5RRR QSL card and some NASA mementos. Here’s a photo of a beaming Paige with her NASA JSC outreach items from Tanner. Influencing young persons is a real joy of this hobby. Superb job, Tanner!
WX4BK (Paige), welcome to Ham Radio!
Tanner Jones, W9TWJ, (our 15m SSB anchor during FD), happened to stumble on a photo showing a YL making contact w/ W5RRR FD. He contacted the club:
Field Day 2017
The JSCARC and CLARC joined talents, skill, and sweat equity, to once again continue the annual tradition of holding Field Day at the Gilruth. There were so many special activities that happened, and without any problems nor issue. A terrific time and an awesome event for the radio community.
Highlights included:
2017 FD huge success for both JSCARC and CLARC team
Field Day – ongoing
A wonderful crowd today. All W5RRR stations were full up. We mostly had more operators than available stations (5), so next year we’ll likely increase our ops plan. A large turnout of boy scouts and girl scouts were expertly coordinated by Beth Scully with terrific support from Mike McCann. The kids were super interested and … Read more…