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Licensing Exam Session
Gilruth Center 2101 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TXMonthly exam session through the ARRL VEC. An opportunity to get your first license or upgrade your license. Registration begins at 9:00am; testing begins at 9:30am. Please contact David Fanelli (KB5PGY) for more information.
Field Day Set Up
Come out to Gilruth to start setting up for Field Day! Sign-up for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday!
ARRL Field Day
Gilruth Center 2101 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TXField Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday. http://www.arrl.org/field-day
Tidelands Hamfest
Doyle Convention Center 2010 5th Ave N, Texas City, TX, United StatesTidelands Hamfest (aka Texas City Hamfest) http://www.tidelands.org/2018%20Hamfest%20Registration%20Form.pdf