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* Cancelled * JSCARC Monthly Meeting
Gilruth Inspiration Room
Ham Radio Licensing Exam Session
The Johnson Space Center Club (W5RRR) and the Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club (K5HOU) sponsor licensing exam sessions through the ARRL VEC every month (usually the 2nd Saturday) at the Johnson Space Center’s Gilruth Center. Exams are typically administered in the Inspiration Room (located on the 2nd floor). The physical address of the Gilruth Center ... Read more...
CW Practice
Join our weekly Morse Code practice session at https://hamradio.solutions/vband/?channel=ho5vhan05s
Join us for a check-in on 3810 KHz every Tuesday for a short 30 minute chat (just before the weekly 7:00 pm VHF net)
Join us on 2m for our weekly JSCARC 2m Net. 146.640 MHz (-600 KHz offset) 123.0 Hz tone