Brown Bag Lunch Meeting: 12:00pm–1:00pm CT in Building 16, Room 259.
Evening Meeting: 6:30pm–8:30pm CT at the Gilruth Center Inspiration Room.
Brown Bag Lunch Meeting: 12:00pm–1:00pm CT in Building 16, Room 259.
Evening Meeting: 6:30pm–8:30pm CT at the Gilruth Center Inspiration Room.
This will be a group build. Designed by John Maca (AB5SS), Stu Donnan (W4STU), and Mike Vandewalle (N8MTV).
Cost of the kit is $45. Please ensure you pay using Friends/Family option – the link below will default to that payment method.
There will be a round-table on APRS in Houston by our APRS gurus and led by Walter Holmes K5WH.
Be a SLACKER, join Slack is a super seamless cloud-based collaboration service. It’s like an instant messaging environment to pass conversations among JSCARC club members in realtime. Questions, comments, announcements, thoughts and ideas can be immediately distributed out to the group or selectively to individuals. It’s most convenient to be installed on your cellphone so you can be tied to the club members and our activities, wherever you may be. Slack is used extensively across large and small commercial businesses to bolster communication and collaboration among employees. It’s used in teams across Ebay, Sony, Yelp and NBC, and its growth is staggering. Prognosticators believe it will replace email.
Brown Bag Lunch Meeting: 12:00pm–1:00pm CT in Building 4N, Room 3025.
Evening Meeting: 6:30pm–8:30pm CT at the Gilruth Center Inspiration Room.
Licensing exams on March 10th at the Gilruth Center will be administered in the Discovery Room.
Check-ins start at 9:00am with the exam starting around 9:30am.
If you have any questions, please contact David Fanelli (KB5PGY).
Weekly Report @ JSCARC
Whew, hold onto your satellites… JSCARC is radio active in its activities, events, and membership.
During the week ending February 25, we’ve moved mountains and continue our climb upwards to soaring heights.
We’re baaaack… providing amateur radio license classes to all JSC center employees and students.
Dr. Bob Scully has taken the instructor lead to kickoff this years first series of Technician licensing training courses beginning today February 21 and lasting approximately 9 weeks. At the end of the course, an FCC license exam will be provided by our team of VE’s, led by KB5PGY at the Gilruth Center.