Serving NASA and local communities since 1967

Welcome to the The Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club (JSCARC) site.  We are located at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) approximately 25 miles southeast of downtown Houston, Texas. Our mission is to actively provide and promote STEAM outreach, emergency operations, mission support, and public service for NASA and the local communities.


W5RRR is an active participant of NASA ON THE AIR (NOTA)



Get Ready for Cool Fun!


o Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the JSCARC!

o The December JSCARC Monthly meeting will be cancelled

o Meeting Minutes of the November JSCARC monthly meeting posted here


o Nov 23-24. KG5PVP and W5OC activates W5RRR NASA On The Air (NOTA) - 55th anniversary of Apollo 12

o Nov 23. KG5LJZ activates US-2986 POTA

o Nov 18. K5KGH hosts the last Fall JSC Student Intern Ham Radio activity: Introduction to CW

o Nov 17. W9TWJ and KD5TDP activates W5RRR for the ARRL November SSB Sweepstakes contest.

o Nov 15-16. AD5CQ hosts a booth to demonstrate History of CW at the George Ranch Frontier Days

o Nov 2. W5/OS4K, K5RG, K5KUA, KG5LJZ and W5OC participate in a 3 Park POTA roadtrip in S. Texas.

o Nov 1. Fall Interns participate in a JSCARC Fox Hunt of 3 hidden transmitters.

o Oct 31. JSCARC hosts a booth at JSC's Safety and Health Day.

o Oct 29. Ben OS4K an avid ham op from Belgium visits the W5RRR shack

o Work In Progress continues for a Scout Radio Merit Badge collaboration with the Lone Star Flight Museum (LSFM)

o The JSCARC is awarded a $10K Axient grant for outreach support

o Congrats to JSC Intern, Gavin Bull KF8CHK, who passed his General Class license


KG5URA Go-Boxes

David, KG5URA, is at it again! He’s built a new Go-Box for his QRP IC-705 and Hardrock-50 amp. Checkout the nice setup including mounts, battery, tuner, and connectors.  Note: the interesting looking small yellow box ... Read more...

George @ George (…Ranch)

George AD5CQ submits the folloinwg successful ham radio event report for his volunteer efforts on November 15-16 at the George Ranch:

W5RRR and JSCARC recent activity

It’s been another active few weeks for W5RRR and the JSCARC members: Friday 11/15-16George @ George (Ranch) – Frontier Days AD5CQ hosts a booth to demonstrate History of CW at the George Ranch Texican Market ... Read more...

The JSCARC November Monthly Meeting

Pix from the meeting!  Minutes posted here

JSC Student Intern Project- Digital FM Radio Kit

With the terrific support from Kelvin K5KGH and David KG5URA, we rolled out a new kit (Digital FM Radio) for the JSC Fall Student Interns to tackle on Monday evening, Nov 11 at the Scuba ... Read more...

KB5PGY Texas ARES Net Manager

For many of us who didn’t know- since September 5, 2022, Mr. David Fanelli, KB5PGY, was appointed the position of 3873 Texas ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) Net Manager. David replaced Mr. Mark Mireles AD5CA ... Read more...